
Hello, my brothers and sisters! My name is Wayne. I gave up a career in public policy to help people heal trauma and discover their purpose. That is what Atman Rising is all about.

Atman is a sanskrit word which refers to the eternal self, that which was never born and will never die. Your soul seeks its highest purpose for the benefit of all, and my goal is to help you find yours.

I am a trained facilitator/curandero for ayahuasca, bufo, huachuma, and kambo. I believe in taking the time to help you prepare for your journey and spending as much time as you need afterward to integrate the lessons of the medicine back into your life.

Atman Rising travels the country, bringing medicine to wherever it is needed, but much of our work takes place in Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Montana, and California. 

My goal is to make medicine as available as possible to the people who need it, traveling to places and setting up safe ceremony spaces for individuals, couples, friends, or small groups.

Medicines and tools we work with at Atman Rising

  • Ayahuasca
  • Huachuma
  • Kambo
  • Bufo
  • Sacred tobaccos: HapĂ© and Mapacho
  • Agua de Florida
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